Thursday, April 10, 2008

Within the Stone

 I purchased a new book titled, Within The Stone, by Bill Atkinson. It is the most beautiful book I've ever owned. If you are into rocks and minerals, you will love this book. I find myself catching my breath when gazing upon the stunning photos of specimens of polished rocks. WOW! I get transported directly into the stone, into the patterns, into the colors...This book is unreal. And, to top it all off, Mr. Atkinson commissioned seven writers to compose a total of 70 phenomenal literary pieces about the rocks they were assigned to free-associate about. There will be hours, upon hours of enjoyment given to me when cuddled up with this book (and a piece of that lemon yogurt cake). I am in awe...
Click to see the book at More of Bill's fantastic images can be seen HERE.


pj said...

wow, his website is amazing... wonder if he'd let me featured him at east/west :)

Laurie Haines said...

Who knows...He is one of the founders of Apple Computer. I'll show you the book. It is astounding.